#AI voice fraud

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The Times of India
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Woman loses Rs 1.4 lakh to AI voice scam: What is it and how not to become a victim - Times of India

AI-generated voice fraud is on the rise, with scammers using artificial intelligence to mimic the voices of trusted individuals.
Common AI voice scams involve impersonating family members, friends, customer service representatives, or government officials.
To avoid AI voice scams, never give out personal information over the phone unless you are certain of the caller's identity and be aware of the latest scam techniques. [ more ]
The Times of India
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Woman gets SOS from 'nephew' in Canada, loses Rs 1.4 lakh to AI voice fraud | Hyderabad News - Times of India

Artificial intelligence (AI) voice fraud is increasingly targeting people with family in Canada and Israel.
Fraudsters are using AI voice imitating tools to mimic the voices of targeted individuals.
Creating a sense of urgency and claiming to have a relative in a troubled country adds to the effectiveness of the fraud. [ more ]
The Times of India
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Woman gets SOS from 'nephew' in Canada, loses Rs 1.4 lakh to AI voice fraud | Hyderabad News - Times of India

People are being targeted with AI voice frauds claiming to be relatives in Canada and Israel.
The fraudsters use AI voice tools to mimic the voice of the targeted person.
Creating a sense of urgency and distress is a common tactic used in these AI voice frauds. [ more ]
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